Tandem Paragliding Fly2fun – Malcesine – Lake Garda – Gardasee


Here you will find all the information for flying in a tandem paraglider on Lake Garda from Monte Baldo to Macesine

How much does a filght cost and which services are included?

The cost of a tandem paragliding flight is 190€ (+8€ of commissions) and our policy is zero surprises. The price includes everything necessary to carry out the activity, i.e. the cable car ticket, insurance and use of technical equipment such as helmet, harness, gloves and jacket if necessary, and the video of the flight.

Are there discounts for large groups?

Unfortunately, we don't offer group discounts. Unlike other sport activities, in fact, in two-seater paragliding on Lake Garda, a pilot is always needed for each passenger and therefore there are no "economies of scale".

How can I reach you?

La maggior parte dei nostri Passeggeri ci raggiunge via auto lungo la via Gardesana, che collega tutti i paesi del Lago di Garda. Raccomandiamo sempre di partire con largo anticipo (anche più di un’ora), soprattutto nei mesi estivi, da giugno a settembre, e nelle ore centrali della giornata, dalle 10:00 alle 14:00 per via del traffico molto intenso che tende a formarsi. Anche i parcheggi a Malcesine potrebbero riempirsi in tarda mattinata, a volte sono necessari fino a 20-30 minuti per trovare un posto. Se arrivate molto in anticipo potrete godervi una breve passeggiata tra i vicoli del centro di Malcesine, bere un caffè o mangiare un gelato nei numerosi café e gelaterie presenti.

BUS: There are two bus lines that reach Malcesine, 483 and 484, You can consult the ATV website for details on the timetables.

FERRY: You can also reach us by water, with the many ferry lines: You can consult the Navigarda website for details on lines and timetables.

What are the best seasons and times to fly?

On Monte Baldo it is possible to take a tandem paragliding flight from April to October. The particular conformation of the mountain allows you to fly practically all day, from morning until late afternoon. Usually, in the first shift of the morning you can enjoy a slightly clearer view, while in the middle of the day and in the early afternoon the probability of being in flight a few minutes longer is higher. The last flight of the day offers a unique view of a beautiful sunset.

What clothing is needed?

For a tandem paragliding flight, comfortable and sporty clothing is required, with sneakers or mountain boots. The use of sandals or flip flops is not allowed. Keep in mind that that take-off point is around 1750 metres above sea level, where it can be significantly colder than in Malcesine, even in the summer months. We therefore recommend using slightly warmer clothing than normal. It is not possible to carry bulky objects such as hiking backpacks or large bags on the flight, but a small bag, pouch or soft backpack can be stowed in special pockets. Unfortunately, we do not have a luggage storage room.
Non è possibile portare in volo oggetti ingombranti quali zaini da trekking o grosse borse, ma è consentito stivare in apposite tasche una piccola borsa, marsupio o zainetto morbido. Purtroppo, non disponiamo di un deposito bagagli.

We want to go trekking on our own and to meet you you at the take off point to then fly, is it possible?

Unfortunately, no. The frequent queues at the cable car and the poor telephone connection on the mountain make logistics and managing any communications with those who wish to meet directly at the take off point difficult. In addition, hiking backpacks cannot be carried in flight and there is no deposit where you can leave them during the flight. Consequently, the meeting point for tandem paragliding flights is strictly at the valley station of the Malcesine-Monte Baldo cable car.

What happens in case of bad weather?

In the event that the pilots judge the weather conditions inadequate for carrying out the activity, the flight will be canceled. In this case you can reschedule your flight in the first available slot. Usually we try to inform you about the weather conditions as soon as possible (a few hours before the appointment), but, in some rare cases, it may happen that the flight is canceled at the meeting point, or even once already arrived at the take-off area.

What are the weight limits?

Paragliding sails are certified within a certain overall weight range (pilot, passenger, equipment).

The weight of the passenger affects the speed of the run required to take off. With more weight it is necessary to run faster, especially in weak or zero wind conditions. In addition, passengers with a particularly "abundant" build may not be able to wear the harness. For all these reasons, the minimum weight for passengers must be 35kg, while the maximum allowed weight is 85Kg for women and 95Kg for men.

I suffer from vertigo, is it a problem?

It is not possible to suffer from vertigo while flying. During a tandem paragliding flight you are in a seated position and reclined slightly backwards.

This makes it very comfortable and stable. Vertigo originates from a combination of contrasting messages between the sense of sight and that of balance, located in the ear. This signal error cannot occur during the tandem flight, since the sitting position is very stable and, moreover, we tend to look forward rather than downward.

What languages do the polits speak?

In our team we have pilots who speak Italian, English, German, French and Spanish.

What is a paraglider?

A paraglider is a wing made of a special fabric that allows you to fly slowly and with maximum control. Paragliding is really stable and silent. You can fly in all directions (even against the wind) with extreme precision on the position and with respect to the direction of the flight.
It is the easiest and most exciting way to realise the dream that all people have had at least once in their life: to fly!

How does the activity work?

Il punto di incontro è alla stazione di valle della Funivia Malcesine-Monte Baldo. Il punto di incontro è alla stazione di valle della Funivia Malcesine-Monte Baldo. Verrai accolto e accompagnato dai nostri piloti nella salita in funivia, che dura circa 20 minuti. Raggiunta la cima, il punto di decollo si trova a pochi minuti di cammino. Una volta preparata e verificata tutta l’attrezzatura, effettuato un breve e semplice briefing sulle azioni da compiere per il decollo, il volo e l’atterraggio, sarà sufficiente qualche passo di camminata/corsa in discesa lungo il pendio per ritrovarti in un attimo in volo. Dopo 20-30 minuti di volo, ti poserai dolcemente in piedi sul campo di atterraggio.

Is it similar to parachuting?

No, a paraglider is a flying vehicle, like a plane, a glider or a hang glider. A parachute, on the other hand, is a shell of fabric which, once opened, serves to stop free fall downwards. During a two-seater paragliding flight, you do not perceive a feeling of falling down at any time. You do not jump from a cliff, but simply walk briskly along a downhill slope to take off.

Is it extreme?

Paragliding, if approached in the right way, is neither dangerous nor extreme. Our pilots carefully evaluate the weather conditions for each flight and have the appropriate experience and equipment to ensure you HAVE FUN in total SAFETY!

At which age can you fly?

There are no age limits, tandem paragliding is suitable for everyone as it is not physically demanding at all. However, there are weight limits for safety reasons: minimum 35kg and maximum 90kg for women and 100kg for men.
In any case, parental consent is required for minors

Can I take videos or photos while flying?

For obvious reasons, during the flight it is forbidden to use any object that is not insured in itself or with the equipment. Therefore, videos and photos are allowed only with properly insured photographic equipment (lanyards, laces, shoulder straps).
Our pilots always take wonderful photos and wonderful videos that you will receive immediately after the flight.
So enjoy the activity and let us do it.

What can I bring with me during the flyght?

Non è possibile portare in volo oggetti ingombranti quali zaini da trekking o grosse borse, ma è consentito stivare in apposite tasche una piccola borsa, marsupio o zainetto morbido con i vostri effetti personali. Purtroppo, non disponiamo di un deposito bagagli.

Can the passenger pilot?

When conditions permit it, our instructors are happy to provide the appropriate instructions for basic paragliding piloting and let you feel the thrill of piloting. It is so simple that anyone can do it!

What position do the pilot and passenger have during the flight?

They are both seated comfortably, inside their harnesses, the pilot behind and the passenger in front. In this way, the passenger can enjoy the almost 360° view of the breathtaking panorama of Lake Garda. In addition, the pilot and passenger are close enough to communicate easily for the duration of the flight.

Can I give a flight as a gift?

Certamente! Un volo biposto in parapendio sarà senza dubbio un regalo apprezzatissimo ed è adatto a chiunque. Puoi acquistare un voucher cliccando qui.

Potrai personalizzare il voucher con il nome della persona a cui lo vuoi regalare ed un breve messaggio di auguri (facoltativo).

Il fortunato potrà poi prenotare la sua esperienza di volo biposto in parapendio quando lo vorrà (Compatibilmente con le disponibilità e le condizioni meteo.

The voucher is valid for one year, is named and is non-refundable).

Can an acrobatic flight be done?

On request, it is possible. The pilot will evaluate which manoeuvres to perform based on the aerological conditions, air traffic and, not least, the passenger.

I have a motor disability, can I fly?

Disability cases will be assessed individually to verify feasibility. Two assistants from our team will help us in the take-off and landing phases. If you use a chair or other aids for your mobility, at least two companions will be needed, one who will accompany us for take-off and bring the chair down, and one for landing, ideally with a second chair or, if not available, who can still assist you while waiting for the first companion.

Can my friends come to see me fly?

Per gli eventuali accompagnatori, il posto ideale è l’atterraggio.

In fact, to reach the take-off point we use the Malcesine-Monte Baldo cableway, which often has long queues, both for the purchase of the ticket and for boarding the cabin. Only the tandem pilots and their passengers can avoid this wait, thanks to a special contract.

However, companions would be forced to wait in the queue and would not be able to see the take-off.

Inoltre, dopo il decollo, sono visibili solo pochi secondi di volo, mentre dall’atterraggio si vede buona parte dell’attività.

Finally, if they stay in the landing point, you will be all together again immediately after the flight, making the logistics of the whole group easier.
